Employment Opportunities

Current Openings

****Openings for the Current School Year****
Substitute Teachers (See Substitute Application Packet Below)

***Openings for 2025-2026***
Science Teacher

Thank you for your interest expressed in employment opportunities at the La Monte R-IV School District.  You can view openings on this page and can also search for our job postings on MOREAP, MO Teaching Jobs, and MOADMIN.

Please download the appropriate application below and return it at your earliest convenience.  

If you have not already done so, have the following documents forwarded to our district in care of the Superintendent's Office:

    1. Personal resume

    2. Completed application form

    3. College transcripts

    4. Copies of certifications held

    5. Letters of reference

Applicants will be selected for interview for particular job vacancies based on experience and credentials.  We appreciate your interest in our district.


  Justin Thomas

 Superintendent of Schools

Application Packets

Administrator Application.pdf 

Certified Application.pdf

Classified Application.pdf 

Substitute Application Packet (Printable)

For more information contact the school at 660-347-5439

 or apply in person at 301 S. Washington, La Monte, MO  65337

Please Contact Justin Thomas, Superintendent at

jthomas@lmvikings.org or 660-347-5439 for additional information.