La Monte R-IV School District Foundation
During the 20-21 School Year the La Monte PTO and La Monte Booster Club dissolved and combined to form the La Monte R-IV School Foundation.
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are to:
a. Assist the La Monte R-IV School District in its mission of making quality educational programs and opportunities available for its students, employees, and patrons; and
b. The corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Founding Board: Jessie Elwell, Amber Breshears, Amber Knoernschild, Carrie Pummill, Stephanie Scott-we will be looking for other board members from the community soon, please contact one of us if you are interested! We would love to have a diverse board of individuals including business owners and alumni!
The La Monte Foundation has created a VIKING Store! The first round will close Sept. 2 but you can order at any time throughout the year on the Foundation Webpage.
Forms for La Monte R-IV Staff
Gold Level Sponsorship-$100
-5 year sponsorship (Expires May 2029)
-New! Name on Booster TV Ad
-4 cards
Silver Level Sponsorship-$50
-3 year sponsorship (Expires May 2027)
-New! Name on Booster TV Ad
-2 cards
Bronze Level Sponsorship-$25
-1 year sponsorship (Expires May 2025)
-New! Name on Booster TV Ad
-1 card
To become a booster follow the link to complete the form! Booster Form
or print this application! Printable Application
The Foundation is proud to have recently purchased jackets for all students in school organizations and athletics to be worn to competitions and when representing our school. Coming soon-we are working on a project to install large screen TVs in the new gym lobby to feature booster members, menu specials, student successes, and show the games as broadcast by the school's new Hudl game tracking system.
We hope you will join us for our largest fundraiser of the year, the fall carnival on November 4th so that we can keep rowing together! We are currently looking for vendors to add to the fun.